Worship Ministries


The acolyte program consists of children and adults who wish to serve God at His altar. While the younger members serve regularly at the main service, acolytes (crucifers, torchbearers and candle lighters) participate in almost every service at St. Mark’s.


Music has helped St. Mark’s thrive for more than a century, and a talented group of volunteers and staff singers proudly carry on that tradition by offering some of the finest choral and instrumental music in our region.

We are always looking for new members to join our vibrant music ministry.

Altar Guild

This organization helps to maintain and prepare the altar and its elements for all services of the church. From weddings to funerals, every service in the main sanctuary, chapel, garden or home, the altar guild is there to see that all is in order.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

“LEMs” assist the clergy at the Lord’s Table during Holy Eucharist. After training and recommendation of the clergy and vestry the candidate is licensed by the Diocese of Texas to serve as a chalice bearer. In addition, many in this group also serve as Lay Readers during services.


St. Mark’s ushers welcome people as they enter the church on Sunday mornings, ensure that the appropriate bulletins are distributed, take up offerings and prepare the church for the next service. They provide direction to visitors and help those needing assistance to their seat. The first face you see at St. Mark’s is an usher.

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